The motor bogie used in the Triang class 31 model is generally speaking pretty 'robust', but as with everything it does seem to have an 'achillies heel'. This being the plastic moulding which the magnets fit inside, it also carries the small posts which the motor brush springs hook over, and has a nut/bolt coming out of the top which is used to fix the motor bogie to the body moulding.
I've had four 'duff' non-runner 31's for a while, but never got as far as finding out why. So today I had a look and found three of them, the aforementioned plastic moulding has broken, where the small posts fit (so the springs arent doing their job keeping the motor brushes in position) , and the fourth one has suffered from an extreme case of motor overheating by the looks of it, as it has shrivelled up dramatically, causing the phosphor bronze pickup assembly to become mis-aligned and losing contact with the wheels.
I'm hoping this plastic moulding is available as a spare part still,via the Society.
You can see in this shot one of the two small posts which the brush spring fits over, has broken away from the plastic moulding. An intact moulding is alongside, it's unfortunate that the area where these posts fit is very small and vulnerable to breakage.