Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Managed to miss the Postman just before the bank holiday, he left a card saying there was a 'Tube' to collect. I couldn't think what it was so collected it today (the earliest after the holiday I could).  A nice surprise when I got it, my eagerly awaited Bruce Smetham Class 37. I'd seen the Plastikard master for this model at the Kingsbury meeting a few months ago, and ordered one straight away. They were ready at the AGM, but I didn't make it this year, so Bruce kindly posted it on to me.

It's a one piece body cast in cream Polyurethane resin, with extra castings in resin for the fuel tanks, and in white metal for bogie cab steps, bogie sideframes and OLEO buffers.

The body represents the first series of class 37 as built, with split headcode boxes and buffer fairings, the centre headcode version of this model will appear later.

As can be seen it's quite a faithful representation of the prototype with all the essential detail there. The various contours and shapes, of which there are many difficult ones to capture on a 37 are very well done. The tumblehome at the bottom of the bodyside being particularly hard to get right given it starts to change profile just under the cab door steps, becoming vertical at the nose ends.

Motorization is possible using one of the Co-Co etched brass chassis kits available via the Society shop, though no doubt there are other ways of doing it.

All in all the best 3mm class 37 to date and very good value for money.


  1. Thanks for the kind review although the credit must go to David Smith who created the master.

    The chassis kits are also available from me at £19.50 (to Society members only). Society membership costs £20.


  2. Indeed a commendable effort by David and hopefully there will be more to come. My mistake re the chassis kits, I was under the impression that only the Society shop stocked them now.
