Sunday, 3 June 2012


In the past I've had difficulty successfully gluing largish areas of thin ( 5 or 10 thou) plastikard together. Using something like Plastic Weld, it evaporate so quickly, capilliary action is minimal, with quite a bit of the surfaces to be joined not being reached by the glue. Continuous applications trying to get the glue to penetrate usually end up with a stick gooey mess which wrinkles up. Other brands like MaGer and MekPak aren't quite so thin, still evaporate too quickly and are a bit too powerful to use with larger areas of thin plastikard.
By chance the other day whilst searching for something else, I came across a product I'd not heard of before 'Limonene'. Described as a mild solvent, it looks like it could be useful.
Painting it on it stays wet, so you should be able to paint one or both surfaces of the card and join them together before it starts to disappear. It works very slowly gently melting the surfaces together. With this in mind you might need to clamp things on curved surfaces while it sets. I'm looking forward to trying it out properly. It's got a really strong fruity smell too, the cats werent too impressed!
One thing though, that damned child proof top has got to go. I always get rid of them on solvent bottles, as you really need to keep putting the top back on to stop the glue evaporating away (especially in warm weather). These tops are just a nuisance.

Beware Limonene is not cheap -  £6.00 (UKP) for 100ml, I got mine from Hobby Holidays in Doncaster
(by post).

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